Did you know that you can navigate the posts by swiping left and right?
After a long overdue overhaul of the webiste, based on an amazing template by Panos Sakkos, I have moved to a new stack (Github pages, cloudflare, jekyll) which is absolutely fantastic! It’s free, simple to use, there are services if you prefer admin panels instead of emacs or vscode ;)!
Simply put, it’s a very solid stack that gives you a fast, cached, secured (https), high availability.
There are some drawbacks. Everything you will do is public, so keep that in mind (pages need to be on a public repo to be free). There are the common GitHub limitations (file size: <100mb, repo size:<1gb), but overall, for a public website (blog, corporate website), it’s a very nice way to limit cost.
If you like the template, you can star it or fork it! Here are the magic buttons: